Monday, November 22, 2010

make a cheesecake

I finally did it! I made my own cheesecake. And it wasn't even that hard! This whole time, i've loved cheesecake for so long and its not even that hard to make. This was a eggnog cheesecake care of Martha Stewart (whom really, i'm just going to stick to her) and it tasted delicious. Sorry that the picture is sorta junkie...if i'm going to get through this whole list, sometimes the pictures are going to suck. And martha would be totally disappointed that I'm displaying my work like this (its all about presentation) but sometimes you just gotta "get 'er done".
I'm set for making this again, for thanksgiving sooo, hopefully this wasn't a first timers luck fluke. I did redo the graham cracker crust. The first time i baked it too long and it had a little burnt taste and i knew if i used it, it would ruin it! Felt bad wasting graham cracker crust but it was worth it!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Wear Suspenders For A Day

I did it! I finally wore the suspenders i bought about 2 years ago! Now, one wouldn't think that wearing suspenders is a big issue, especially in comparison to skinny dipping but you don't know the whole picture.

I had the unfortunate timing of being in elementary school when the show Family Matters was popular. Family Matters might not mean much to you but the name "Steve Erkle" may ring a bell. Being skinny and nerdy like, it was an easy comparison, taunt, constant reference. To strangers, i was Steve Erkle. To children on the bus, to adults in the grocery store, "did i do that?" was requested.

15 years later, I was still unsure of wearing suspenders, lest i bring back the horrible name calling from childhood...good thing i have "make fun of me" tattooed onto my forehead!

A couple of weeks before i decided to wear the suspenders a co-worker thought it would be funny to call me Steve erkle. This has now developed into full out playground flashback, with sometimes, NO LIE, 5 people laughing at me saying, "did i do that" in the YMCA lobby! And I hadn't even put on the suspenders yet! All this time i was afraid people would make fun of me...and they do it anyways!

All that to say, its sad how i let things like people laughing at me stop me from trying out new things, like wearing suspenders. I hope i get better at doing things i like because i like them and not what everyone else thinks or will say. Wasn't i supposed to work through those issues in high school? 29 i still am working that this!