I love my son! Its interesting seeing him and the different ways he is like me. Yesterday I took my son to get his hair cut. Because my wife needed the car for work, we would have to take the bus. This was a big deal for AJ. He rarely rides but the bus and really likes this idea of it (don't know if he actually likes the bus or just being able to sing the wheels on the bus song on the bus).
So we get on and because i'm paying and AJ is two and a half, he is already running to a seat and i'm upfront paying. My son goes to the very back of the bus and sits among 6 very grumpy looking black guys. I don't want to be stereotypical but i think you know who i'm talking about. They just don't look very friendly. Really, no one on the bus looks friendly. This does not deter my son. He very quickly proceeds to say Hi to everyone one of the guys on the bus, not stopping until they answer and smile back. So, there we were, now 7 black guys and my little light-skinned boy all smiling in the back of the bus. That's my son.
I felt that this story should go here cause its something i'm NOW finally more comfortable with. Going into whatever group of people and being myself. Smiling and being friendly and comfortable with me no matter what other people may look or act like. I pray that i will be able to encourage my son to keep doing the same thing. To not be afraid of anyone and to acknowledge them and wait to see them smile. Imagine, if he keeps that, what HE would be like when HE'S 30.
Amazing post... We have a mutual friend and she told me about your blog - at the time it was exactly what i needed, maybe for different reasons, but good reasons none-the-less. Anyways, I did pretty much the same thing and got together a list of 50 things (you're NUTS with your HUGE list - I'd have SO much anxiety over it!)and am blogging my way through it until my next bday (yup - 30 too). This WHOLE long comment just to say that the message in this post is inspiring, and I really hope to be able to take away such profound lessons on my journey and maybe even 1 day pass them on to someone as you hope to pass onto your son.