This one didn't work out so well. : (
I really need to work on doing this quicker if i'm going to be done by 30, so i decided to have my teen center kids decorate my car for Christmas...BIG MISTAKE! well, i'm sure some of my teens would of done a really great job...just not the two 15 year old boys I let destroy my car!
I was working and gave them some instructions and then went back to see how they did. The not only wrote on the windows but on the car itself with the window paint! And the part about Christmas decorations got forgotten (how?!) except for the tag line on my bumper "santa is not real kidz!". I laughed, then drove to the nearest car wash...WHICH WAS BROKEN! I then had to go home with my car looking ridiculous. I then wasn't able to get to a car was until FRIDAY which by this time, had dried pretty hard on my car. Pink Elephant (the car wash place) tried their hardest and got out a lot but not all!!! my car still looks like a coloring page!
You can only imagine the looks (and stares and disapproving finger wags) i got the whole week. The best was driving infront of my wife, who is cracking up because she is seeing all the people laughing and pointing. If i had any self esteem issues before they are now fully in the open. Everywhere i went people laughed and pointed or glared (with their kids in the passenger sit). I did feel bad about the santa comment but i mean, if your kid can read, they should know the truth : )
So, i'm still going to REALLY decorate my car for Christmas but wanted to let everyone on in the fun adventure i've had this week. Oh, and AJ loved my painted car. Good thing he can't read...but he also knows santa is just pretend!
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