Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Buy Coffee for the next person in line

I'm still plugging away at this ridiculously long list! This is insane!

So, i did the starbucks drive through after picking up Brooklyn from the babysitters and ordered myself a banana chocolate chip cake slice (SOOO GOOD) and then told the lady that i'll buy whatever the person behind me is having. I'll be honest i was afraid that they would order something super expensive or the cashier would tell them and i would then order something expensive...either way...i was afraid (a common emotion in my life). They ended up getting
7 dollars worth and it all worked out.

the big build up for this is...we aren't doing great financially. My wife and I are busting our butts and it seems that there just isn't enough money to take care of everything. I sorta feel like a failure saying this cause it sucks not having enough money. But...i need to not be so caught up in the worry part and trust that God knows what we need and He will provide...like he always has! So, in faith, i bought that other family starbucks believing God will take care of my family and as generosity has been shown to us, i can show generosity to others.

Take that money troubles!

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